• Go to the website https://inprop.eu and select "Sign Up" in the "Sign In" section.

    Window with link for registration

    Window with link for registration

  • Fill in the registration form.

    Register form

    Register form

  • Verify your email address.

    Verification email

    Verification email

If you wish to receive notifications about file updates in the Timetables application, you need to sign up. After you sign in you need to set up your user account.

  • Open the settings section in your user profile.

    Okno s odkazom na úpravu profilu

    Okno s odkazom na úpravu profilu

  • Select files, for which you wish to receive notifications.

    Nastavenie notifikácii o zmene súborov

    Nastavenie notifikácii o zmene súborov