Company dedicated to INformatics. PRognosis. OPtimization. INformatics.

INPROP, s.r.o. Žilina is a company dedicated to INformatics, PRognosis and OPtimization focusing mainly on the development and implementation of software products in transport.

INPROP team consists of scientific and research experts in the field, who realize projects in Slovakia and internationally. The key area of expertise is the transport, logistics and communication systems. The company builds on the tradition of scientific teams from the former University of Transport and Communications in Žilina and currently cooperates with the University of Žilina.

Our focus

Company’s main area of expertise is problem solving in areas such as designing information and management systems, creating circulation schedules, solutions of capacity problems in transport systems and operation systems in general.

INPROP designs and operates information systems for mass transport (timetables finder, station announcement systems at railway stations, information kiosks), for municipal authorities (transport analysis) and last but not least for carriers (designing train and personnel circulation schedules). All projects are finalised in form of user software and are implemented to user’s real environment. Software is usually developed for OS Windows and for web platform.

INPROP also provides consulting services in the area of expertise.

Our History